Love triangles...Lately I've been thinking about this topic and I blame it on the amazing Molly McAdams.
So I reread Taking Chances and Stealing Harper. Then I finished Sharing You. It gets me thinking-so many people frown on this topic yet it's reality...It happens.
In life, sometimes we're lucky to find that one person who steals our heart and makes life better. It's a great feeling, but what happens when you have two people who you love? Is that possible?
Before I got married, I dated my on again/off again boyfriend for three years. We'll call him "Jack." I thought we were going to be happy and in love forever-oh to be young and naive. Well, we broke up before our senior year in high school and stopped talking. I was broken and it sucked. I lost my V card to him and thought everything would be great from that moment on...I was wrong...I then started dating and it was fun, but then "Jack" and I found each other again thus throwing us into another relationship.
Well long story short, after my trip to Texas to visit him, I was an idiot and I cheated on him because I was drunk. To make matters worse, he's in the Air Force. I felt like a complete idiot. I mean I have this amazing boyfriend who is serving our country and loves me, but one stupid decision and I lose him. I was going to move to Florida and we were going to get married and have our own happily ever after. We got back together, but broke up again.
Life sucks and people make the worse decisions.
During my relationship with "Jack" I met Kevin and we became instant best friends. He came over to the house all the time because his best friend was dating my sister so the summer 2006 involved me with "Jack" and seeing Kevin.
After "Jack" Broke up with me, Kevin and I decided to start dating and "Jack" moved on as well. When he came back to visit a few months after our breakup, we met and talked...Decided to be friends. A few years later he's married and expecting his first child. Sure I was sad and wasn't sure how to handle the news. I had Kevin and he had his family, but I never stopped thinking of him. We went years without talking.
About two years ago we reconnected and caught up. His wife was not happy and Kevin was okay with us talking-yet something was off. I felt like I was in a love triangle, especially when he told me he still loved me and missed me. I was thrown off and didn't know what to do. Needless to say, Kevin was not happy and told me no more. I listened...But when we'd fight I turned to "Jack." I was emotionally cheating on my soon-to-be husband. It was an battle between both guys. Kevin hated "Jack" and "Jack" hated Kevin. "Jack's" wife wasn't too fond of me either and we talked. It wasn't the best time of my life and I didn't know what to do...Until "Jack" asked if I would ever leave my now husband and go back to him. I sat there in my office and cried. You never forget the boy who stole your heart and shared an intimate time with. "Jack" will always be in my heart, but I made the decision to end things and focus on my life with Kevin.
What's the point of this post? Love triangles happen. It sucks and people make decisions without thinking sometimes. Do I wish things were different? Yes, I miss "Jack" but know it's not healthy to be in that situation. I don't regret the past because our past shapes our present and future.